Thursday, December 2, 2010

What I Loved: November

Happy Hour with a Housewife got me started on this last month and I love it. Basically you list what you loved about the past month. It's always nice to reflect back and be grateful for the good stuff, and also learning from the bad stuff sometimes.
So here goes, my list of what I loved in November:

  • Hosting our very first meeting of our book club. We'd read (or read almost all of) The Help by Kathryn Stockett. We talked about the book for approximately 4 minutes, the rest of the time was catching up with our lives, which was fine by me!
This was a really fantastic book and one of the things I loved about November was reading it! You should definitely check it out.

  • No matter how early it was, I loved the gear up for Christmas in November: red Starbucks cups, craft fairs, chocolate making, celebrating American Thanksgiving, decorating, all documented in my blog which leaves me to the next thing on my list...
  • NaBloPoMo, short for National Blog Posting Month! I LOVED doing this, first of all it got me writing every day, and it checked something off my "Life List" of things I wanted to do which was start a blog! It also gave me a sense of accomplishment, a feeling I could do whatever I wanted to do. Providing it was a fun thing to do anyways!
  • I also loved the two days of snow we had, it put me in an awesome winter-ey mood and I'm also soooo glad I bought my puffy jacket because it kept me super warm through the freeeezing temperatures.
  • The very best thing about November would by my baby sister getting engaged to her wonderful fiance! We all sort of knew it was coming eventually but still so exciting to make it official. I'm so happy my brother and sister have found amazing people to spend their lives with!
I am really looking forward to December, I have all sorts of wonderful festive things planned and I will be doing my best to enjoy the season to it's fullest.
Have a wonderful Thursday!



  1. Thanks for sharing! I loved reading yours and you just inspired me to want to start a book club with my friends!

  2. A love the idea of a book club! And I wish I could have a day of snow, just a day though =). I get cold too easily
