Friday, August 30, 2013

Making Some Changes

As a personal trainer and one time competitor, I have always had my fair share of "fake" stuff in my diet. I try to eat a diet of lean protein and veggies (which I seriously struggle with on account of a mostly hate relationship with meat) but there's a lot of fake stuff around. I've had sugar free gum in my diet, diet pop, diet this, diet that. And then there's Splenda.

You guys, I have a Splenda problem. I'm dead serious. I have never been able to quit Splenda. I tried a few times. To paint you a picture, I only have Splenda in my coffee really (although it is added into other products that I have, more on that later in this post) BUT the problem is I LOVE Splenda. It's the only thing I like in my coffee and I love my coffee. But it's not real and so the time has come where it needs to go.

September is going to be a Splenda free month. I will use only Stevia in my coffee.

I'm putting it on here so I can be accountable. I will update and tell you guys how it's going. In an effort to reduce toxins in my body and home, I've also replaced my laundry detergent, shampoo, and conditioner with organic/natural versions. I also bought all natural vanilla protein powder for smoothies. I also plan to buy organic coffee so if anyone has any recommendations on a good one let me know!

September is going to be a detoxifying month so I'll be posting on different ways I'm doing that. There really are so many toxins in everything and I've always gotten overwhelmed at the thought of trying to go cold turkey on everything. So I've decided to just slowly change over. As I run out of things in my house, I will try to replace them with greener, less toxic versions. I find that these things are becoming more readily available for not much more than the regular stuff.

Have a great Friday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Taren! I am drinking coffee with splenda right now lol... I don't really like Stevia but I have a box of it at home, you're welcome to have it :)
